You aren’t gonna win everyone’s hearts

As I lay here sick on the couch it is giving me time to reflect on what’s happened this past week.

I want to always stand true to my authentic self and show y’all that through my social media. I’m not fake. I’m not one comparing anymore. I’m not gonna let people dull my sparkle anymore. I’m not going to be the people pleaser I have always been to have someone like me. If you like me great, if not sorry it’s your loss not mine.

This has all been a very hard lesson for me to have learned over the years but it has made me a stronger person for it. I will continue to be myself. I will continue to show you my crazy dance moves, workouts, sweaty selfies, dog pics and more. Love it or leave but I am here to stay!

I will be the fruit loop in a bowl of Cheerios forever! If you dig it then you are my people and I want you in my tribe and I will love you hard! If not, #sorrynotsorry and thank you, next.

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