Thanks for the ride

Well, I did a thing! After a decade I got a new car!!!!! Can you believe it?! I never thought the day would come. My car “Dovey” and I have had SO many memories.

I am not going to lie to you, it was one of the harder things I have done in my life. 10 years on August 28th is when I purchased her. It was 6 days after Chris and I started dating. The same time that awful Station Fire happened and we packed up our valuables and were ready to evacuate from my childhood home.

Can you see why this was SO emotional for me?! Don’t get me wrong, I am beyond stoked for my new ride. It’s a 2019 Subaru Crosstrek! I’m pumped but sad at the same time.

Dovey and I had so many road trips, karaoke, dancing at red lights, naps on breaks, studying and more. Chris and my relationship is attached to that car. I will always remember those times.

But as time goes on and years pass things change. This chapter of my life closed and now it’s time to create a new one.

Thanks for the ride Dovey! ❤️

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