I am feeling myself today!

Do you ever have days where you look in the mirror where you are like, “damn girl, you looking good today!” OR are you a self sabotager?! Let’s be honest! We all have been in that headspace where we have not been kind to ourselves. And NOW is the time for me to tell YOU to knock that s**t off!

Yeah, you heard me. KNOCK THAT S**T OFF! Be nice to your mind, body and soul. Get good with you from the inside out. Life is so much better that way. How do you start?! Well, here are some of things that I did to start loving ME!


  1. Stop the comparison game! Don’t judge your day one journey with someone else’s day 365. Stay in your own lane and put your blinders on. So, if you follow people on social media that make you FEEL about yourself STOP FOLLOWING THEM!
  2. Which takes me here, get rid of the toxic people and negative energy out of your life. It does no good for your mindset. You need to fuel your mind with good and positive vibes on the daily. Trust me it is ok to have an eh day we all have them but don’t stay there. It is draining and don’t let someone drain you.
  3. Drink your water! I know you are like, “DUH, Kayleen!” But for reals, so many people are walking around dehydrated. So, as my man, Shaun T says, “Hydrate your life!” It has been a game changer for me in feeling more clear, less bloated, energy and so many other benefits.
  4. JOURNAL! Write out your thoughts. Get them on paper and out of your head so you can focus on what you need to get done for the day.
  5. Practice gratitude. I have been getting more in tune with the Lord and being grateful for all that has happened in my life. From the bad teaching me lessons and the good well because it has brought me joy.
  6. Get some fresh air. Jackson and I have been taking one to two daily walks. The vitamin D has been great for the soul. Hearing the wind and smell the star jasmine in the air has been delightful. Plus, it has been helping me clear my headspace.
  7. Be kind to others. In a world full of toxic negative BS it is so important to be kind. Even if you just give someone a smile or open a door. The more good karma you it will come back to you.
  8. Help others succeed! I have so many fellow entrepreneur friends out there and I want them all to succeed. So, even if I can’t use their services I share their stuff on social media. Be supportive of the people in your life. It means SO much more than YOU KNOW!
  9. Eat your veggies! Since I have been incorporating more greens in my diet I FEEL so much better because I am getting good nutrients in my system to fuel my body with the proper energy.
  10. LAUGH! Enjoy a good funny comedy show. Friends is a great go to!
  11. Music has always been a big influence in my life. But a good tune will put me in the best mood. So jam it out!
  12. HUGS! HUG your loved ones!


I hope these tips help you in your journey! Love y’all! youreamazing

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