Whoever thought I would become a dog lover ?!

KempPetPortraits_7322Now let’s get this straight, I love all animals but I was a cat lady for years. I grew up having cats. I still love them but since getting Jackson I have a love that I never thought I would have with this dog.

We have been through hell and back which has a lot to do with it. It’s a different kind of love than I had with my cats. Ginger the cat I had for 12 years was my love. We had a special bond that I didn’t think I would receive again until bringing Jackson into our lives.

With cats they are so independent, much more so than dogs. And well, they have more sass! 😂 Dogs have this greeting when they see you like you are freaking celebrity. It’s crazy! Every time never fails at least with Jackson.

I get lonely up here in the mountains and especially when Chris travels for work or the National Guard. So I am grateful that I have my pup for those times even though he makes me want to tear my hair sometimes but I am dealing with a toddler 🤦🏼‍♀️ Gets into everything!!!! Chews on everything!!!!! But we started training and we are seeing improvements slowly but surely. WE will get through this!

But one of our main reasons of getting the pup was to keep me company especially when Chris is traveling. It helps make me feel safe, secure and have unconditional love.

For my birthday Chris got me the book “A Dog’s Journey ” I have only read three chapters but it has already made me cry. It is a great book if you are a dog lover ❤️ It is narrated from the dog’s perspective which is brilliant. I always look at Jackson and say what are you thinking in that little head of yours?

So here I am a cat lady who’s turned into dog lover ❤️ What can I say? He’s won my heart even though he’s a pain in my ass.

Rainy weather=Instapot!

As I sit here watching the dark clouds roll by and the pellet stove running, I want warm food in my belly. Perfect time to whip something up in the Instapot! Do you have one? It has saved me so many times.

Here is a great article with so many Instapot recipes you can try out this rainy weekend. They all look so yummy!

I would LOVE to know which ones you chose!

https://www.beachbodyondemand.com/blog/instant-pot-recipesInstant Pot Beef Chili in a bowl

Do you workout in the a.m.?

Are you an early bird gets the worm kind of person or are you a night owl? I feel like I am some weird ass pigeon that is confused and all over the place! Who’s with me?! Ha ha!

I know there are SO many benefits to getting up early in the a.m. getting some quiet time to yourself before the household all wakes up. Do your workout first thing so you feel fresh and ready to conquer the day! BUT for whatever reason I just can’t get my ass up! Do you struggle to? And for those who have it nailed down with the 5 second rule, what pushes you to just do it?

Here is an article I found on the benefits of morning exercise. It’s time for me to go 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… GO!



KayleenKemp-51As I approach my birthday next week so many thoughts have been running through my head. Have I accomplished what I wanted to this year? Am I as far as I thought I would be by this year? Am I where I thought I would be by the age of 36?

Do you do this too when it comes to your birthday or even the New Year? Do you question and knit pick every detail? Do you get down on yourself for not accomplishing things or do you give yourself praise for what you have done?

Usually I am one to get down on myself but this year I am going to look at it differently. Thank you personal development and people like Rachel Hollis, Brendon Bouchard and Darren Hardy for helping look at it that way.

So here I sit and think about what I’ve done at age 35. I have made some major breakthroughs 🙌🏻 After 19 years in the dental field, I quit and moved on to something that set my soul on fire. Health and fitness, which I was already working on while in the dental field. But I made the push to make it my one and only to work on. On my birthday last year I got hired as a group fitness instructor at a gym. I continued with school to become a certified personal trainer which I got my license in December. Since then I have been building my own mobile personal training biz! I have wonderful clients who are making awesome progress. I am in the works of making my classes virtual since I have so many people who want to take them but love to far from where I teach. Things are building and looking bright. Now, don’t get me wrong I have my ups and downs but I am consistently making small steps in a positive direction.

Chris and I live in a beautiful home with our puppy that came into our lives this year. We’ve had ups and downs with that too but he has brought us so much love and blessed.

I have learned a lot about myself and continue learning everyday. I am learning to love myself, flaws and all. Do things that make me happy and stop the comparison game. I have been staying in my own lane doing my thing and let me tell you, it’s so much more joyous that way.

I am looking forward to see what this new year of 36 will bring me. Even though I still can’t believe I am saying 36 when I still feel I am 20. April 4th here I come at 36, are you ready for me?!

It’s time to step up the game!

KayleenKemp-146Have YOU been on a fitness journey for a while like me? Have YOU had the ups and the downs? The victories, the struggles, the times you want to give up and the times you have still pushed through? Have you been dialed into your nutrition but then the next day you blow it in the kitchen with almost eating a whole pizza? GIRL, I FEEL YA! I have been there waaaaay too many times to count BUT ya know what?! I NEVER GAVE UP!

Yes, I am a certified personal trainer but don’t think we all have our shit together. If PT says they do well good for them. But I am gonna ALWAYS be real to YOU! I don’t have my shit together. But I do know I will NEVER give up and keep on moving forward. I have learned A LOT over these past 4 years of being on this journey. I know what types of workouts I like and what I don’t like. I have learned how to sneak my veggies into my shake so I can get an extra green container in. I have learned that personal development is my jam. I have learned that I love to read (even though I hated it as a kid)! Journaling out helps me get through the tough days. I have found motivation in accountability groups. I have found a team who I absolutely adore and would be lost without them. I have learned that I have an emotional eating problem but I am working through it with the help of my portion control containers. My superfood shake and all natural pre workout give me life and nutrition every damn day!

I could go on and on about how my life has completely turned around. With doing so I hope it inspires YOU that YOU can do this too! YOU can make the change but YOU have to be willing to try. I know it can be scary, TRUST, I know! I have been in your shoes and some days I am still there. I know there are days when you feel on top of the world and then I know there are days where you are like, F**K I want to dig my head in the sand. I get it, YOU are human! Give yourself grace and move on.

Start making small changes that will compound into something great! Have YOU ever read The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy? I am reading it right now and it all makes total sense. Start small, do that small thing everyday, make it habit and move onto the next. YOUR life will start compounding into something great. I believe in YOU!


Motivation to pump up your week!!!!

Stop comparing! Stop worrying about other people’s opinions! Stop letting fear get in your way! Stop, remember who YOU are and do YOU friend! For the love DO YOU!❤️🙌🏻

I’ve been listening to A LOT of personal development lately. I have been getting in touch with myself. I have been working on my inner warrior. I have been intentional with my actions and let me tell you I FEEL a shift! Good things are coming because I am being true to myself and who I am and if YOU don’t like me well sorry friend but YOU are missing out. Because I know I offer the BEST I can to my peeps❤️🙌🏻

Spring has sprung…

Just like in the song Baby Got Back, you get sprung… baby you got it going on… How are you gonna get sprung? What are you doing to work that behind of yours?

SQUATS!!!!! Super functional movements that can be done anywhere. There are SO many variations of squats too so you don’t get bored. I like to think of it as a booty boot camp!

I noticed when I started making squats a daily exercise not only did my booty get smaller but it lifted and was nice and round instead of big and wide 🙌🏻 ooooh and firmer!

If you are looking for a move to help either your saggy bottom or big bottom, make squats your new friend.

Would YOU be interested in a virtual booty boot camp class????? Message me for deets!

Check out the link below for some squat variations.


Need an easy go to meal?!


Are YOU like ME?! On the go a lot? If you said yes, I got your back friend! Salad-on-the-go! Super simple and so many varieties to choose from. Pick up some mason jars and all the fixings for your fave salad. Yummy and filling!

Dressing on the bottom, toppings in the middle and lettuce on the top so it doesn’t wilt and get soggy. Then, you can dump it onto a plate or bowl and you are ready to go. SCORE!

Have you ever been to a salad jar party?! Everyone signs up for an item, you set everything up in assembly line and you get to creating your delish salad. So easy, fun and filled with your friends.

If I were to offer a salad jar party would YOU join?!



Hey y’all! I have been wanting to be more consistent with this blog! I am sure you have heard someone say that before, right?! I want to be more consistent with my exercise, my nutrition, my daily routines, my meditation practice, yada yada! OK… but for real! I definitely want to get on board with giving you content. Whether it is a recipe, an exercise or  a quote that boosts motivation I will be putting more into this blog for YOU!

SO… please stay tuned because I am here to help YOU the way I was helped and how I am doing things to live my BEST LIFE! I would also LOVE feedback from y’all on what could help YOU! Please comment or send me a message on what you would like to see.

Let’s talk about planks baby!

Let’s talk about PLANKS!

Planks are another one of my fave exercises because it works so many different muscles all at once. It is a great total body exercise. It helps improve balance, posture and endurance. It is great for the core and to strengthen the spine. Plus, there are many different variations of the plank you can do depending on your fitness level.

Do you do planks? How long can you hold a plank? Have you done a plank challenge?

Here is a great article to check out in regards to planks.
